Spring into the Equinox

celebrating the equinox at stonehenge

Image: Dyana Wing So “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” Henri Matisse Equinoxes are when the sun is directly over the equator. This occurs twice a year, and the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. The Spring Equinox will fall on the 22-23day of…

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Literacy Across The Spectrum

child reading practicing literacy

Image: Greg Rosenke “Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.” Tomie dePaola  Can you remember the first book that you read? Did you read it cover-cover, or did you read the conclusion and then started at first page? Teaching reading, much like numeracy, is…

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International Day of Charity (5 September)

volunteers putting together bags to help the poor in their local area

Image: Joel Muniz “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” Lao Tzu The role of schools has changed. There is a philosophical argument related to change. The concept and practice of charity has changed. Society has changed. Change is not a statement nor a noun. It is…

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Happy Birthday (Horses for Courses)

horses on a rugged path in the outback on a trail

Photo by Amy Humphries “Every birthday is like a step you take. You have to observe your path first, to cautiously proceed without stumbling.” Ebelsain Villegas Horses in the southern hemisphere are recognised on August 1st – the Horse’s birthday. This is the date that all horses are judged to be one-year older. This date…

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Mid – Winter Blues

grey overcast sky with inspiring sign in the foreground to beat the winter blues

Image: Annie Spratt The last two weeks of school holidays have offered some respite from the early mornings and late nights that many teachers experience during the term. The workload of Small School Principals often carries over the two-week holidays. The dual roles of teaching and managing the school as Principal is complex, demanding and…

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Semester 2 is coming!

back to school written on a chalk board with school items around it

Image: Oleksandr P “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey Are you jumping into July? The first half of the school year is nearly completed. Reports are being written, reviewed and printed. Principals will have…

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Planning for Personal Growth

EDUINFLUENCERS TEASER planning for personal growth may 25 blog 336 x 216 pexels-jill-wellington-1638660-40192 (1)

Image By Jill Wellington “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work the more I have of it.”  Thomas Jefferson Describing success is harder as we get older. Milestones are set for childhood development, reading levels and benchmarks identify personal growth and success. Teachers write reports measured against outcomes.…

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Earth Day April 22 ‘PLANET VS. PLASTICS’

Photo – Rui Stenio “If every day was Earth Day, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in.”  Neil deGrasse Tyson The lyrics of ‘Solidarity Forever’ have captured the minds and hearts of Union movements around the world. The sound of massed voices singing this sound is a reminder of the power of collective action.…

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What are you doing to support Gender Equity?

Photo – Ksenia Chernaya “True confidence is infectious.”  Ann Friedman The SHINE theory is used, not in the pure scientific sense to describe the importance of women supporting women. Simply put, when other women do well, it positively affects (women), to strive for more in personal and professional life. The occurrence of women being placed…

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International Womens’ Day (March 8)

Photo By Priscilla Du Preez “A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.”  Melinda Gates There is no shortage of strong women in our lives. Take a moment to reflect on the women in your life. International Women’s Day was founded…

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