Building Cohesive Teams

A strengths-based approach to improve effectiveness and encourage teams to thrive through diversity.

For Leadership and Executive Teams

Specifically designed for School Leadership Teams to support self-reflection, self-awareness, feedback, feedforward, collaborative and difficult conversations, goal setting and personal development for both leaders and their teams.

Building a Cohesive Team

his workshop series helps teams deal with the issues
holding them back from moving from good to great and focuses on effectiveness and productivity.

Building School Culture

Helps school teams to adopt a strengths based approach to improve effectiveness and thrive in diversity.

High Performing Teams

This workshop series helps teams work towards a common understanding of what it means to be a team in their specific school context with the focus on the high performance characteristics.

Leaders for Feedback

Specifically designed for School Leadership Teams to support self-reflection, self-awareness, feedback, feedforward, collaborative and difficult conversations, goal setting and personal development for both leaders and their teams.

Behaviour, Feedback and Personality Tools

Gathering Feedback

Systemised approach to gathering summative and differentiated feedback.

Feedback Summary

Simplified feedback presented with options to present multiple feedback donors perspectives.

Behavioural Elements

The Behavioural Elements program helps people to learn their core behavioural drivers and to quickly and accurately assess the drives of others. Being able to explain and predict behaviours positions us to more effectively influence other people’s behaviour and control our own.

VIA Character Strengths Survey

The VIA Character Strengths Survey is the premier tool in the field of positive psychology that assesses an individual's character strengths. When you know the strengths of your clients, students or employees, you can guide them more effectively and authentically.


Measure Impact

Measure impact and effectiveness at a given point in time and compare year on year data.

Personalised portal

A unique online portal with the ability to track progress for every leader.

16 Personalities

You’ll learn what really drives, inspires, and worries different personality types, helping you build more meaningful relationships.

Table Survey

This survey helps teams establish areas of improvement associated with team cohesion and dysfunction. While the assessment itself is quantitative and data-driven, its most important aspect is the qualitative perspective it provides for your team and the discussion that it provokes around specific issues.

360 Feedback – Insights Platform

Systemised approach to gathering summative and differentiated feedback. Simplified feedback presented with options to present multiple feedback donors' perspectives. A unique online portal with the ability to track progress for every leader.

Coaching and Support

School based focus

Improving methods and approach through engaged school based projects and research.

Improved techniques to solve school based issues

Introducing the concept of communities of practice to improve the way school leaders address issues and solve problems.

Problem Solving through research

Solving immediate problems of practice through self reflection.

Formative research methods

Flexible process of change and improvement using research and theory.


We've partnered with many educators to provide feedback and professional learning